Abbatissa ingenuitate precipua : The Proceedings of the Scientific Colloquium „The 950th anniversary of the Benedictine Monastery of St. Mary in Zadar (1066-2016)“

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Product description

Abbatissa ingenuitate precipua : The Proceedings of the Scientific Colloquium „The 950th anniversary of
the Benedictine Monastery of St. Mary in Zadar (1066-2016)“
editors Vežić, Pavuša & Josipović, Ivan
Zadar: University of Zadar : The Monastery of St. Mary in Zadar, 2020.

In 2016 we commemorated the 950 anniversary from the
year 1066., when Krešimir, the King of Croatia and
Dalmatia, granted royal freedoms to the Abbey of St. Mary
of Zadar. Prior to that, the city leaders gave the small
church of St. Mary Minor to Abbess Cicha to found an
abbey next to it. With this in mind, the University of
Zadar, together with the nuns and the Zadar Archdiocese,
organized a scientific colloquium that was held in the
church of St. Mary Minor, on 27th October 2016. This book
of proceedings includes papers based on the topics of
presentations held on this occasion, and bears the title
Abbatissa ingenuitate precipua (“An abbess most
generous”), as our abbess was referred to in two places in
the abbey’s cartulary. The authors write her name as Cika,
Čika or Cicha. The first part of this historical source is the
deed of foundation. It outlines general circumstances
under which the abbey developed, its immediate social
and urban framework, a pre-urban picture of the city
formed around the ancient forum, where the abbey of St.
Mary still.


  • Abbatissa ingenuitate precipua : The Proceedings of the Scientific Colloquium „The 950th anniversary of the Benedictine Monastery of St. Mary in Zadar (1066-2016)“
  • Author
    Urednici Pavuša Vežić i Ivan Josipović
    Prevoditelji Berković, Janet ; Mlađenović, Sandra
  • Publisher
    Sveučilište u Zadru ; Benediktinski samostan sv. Marije u Zadru, 2020.
  • ISBN
  • Language
  • Publish year
  • Format
  • Number of pages
  • Dimensions
    28 cm