The University of Zadar was established by the Law on Establishment of the University of Zadar on 4 July 2002 (The Official Gazette 83/02). The Republic of Croatia is the founder and holder of the founding rights of the University of Zadar. The University of Zadar was registered at the Commercial Court in Zadar on 29 January 2003 under MBS: 110000786; PIN: 10839679016

The University of Zadar carries out activities of particular interest to the Republic of Croatia in the field of science and higher education.

The University of Zadar also performs numerous other activities, among which e-comerce.

The University of Zadar is represented by the Rector.

Find out more about the University here:

Bank Account: IBAN HR1124070001100609482, open at OTP BANKA HRVATSKA d.d., Zadar

VAT: 10839679016


Contact information for the webshop:

University of Zadar,Ulica Mihovila Pavlinovića 1, 23 000 Zadar , Republic of Croatia
Telephone: +385 23 200 639; +385 23 200 735
Fax: +385 23 316 882